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მრავალფუნქციური ვოლტამპერმეტრი VA-1 red

მრავალფუნქციური ვოლტამპერმეტრი VA-1 red

ახალი თაობის მრავალფუნქციური ვოლტამპერმეტრი ZUBR VA-1 red (AC220V, 63A). ზომავს ძაბვას, დენს, სიმძლავრეს (აქტიურს, რეაქტიურს, სრულს) და სიმძლავრის კოეფიციენტს cosφ-ს. მიცემული პარამეტრების გადახრის 100 მეხსიერებით.
Measurement of voltage, current, power (active, reactive or full) and cos φ. Network deviation log for 100 values.
ახალი თაობის მრავალფუნქციური ციფრული ვოლტამპერმეტრი ZUBR VA-1 red (AC220V, 63A). ზომავს ძაბვას, დენს, სიმძლავრეს (აქტიურს, რეაქტიურს, სრულს) და სიმძლავრის კოეფიციენტს cosφ-ს. მიცემული პარამეტრების გადახრის 100 მეხსიერებით.
Measurement of voltage, current, power (active, reactive or full) and cos φ. Network deviation log for 100 values.

Digital single phase volt-ampere meter

Monitor the quality of power supply! ZUBR VA-1 red volt-ampere meter is designed to clearly indicate the values of the network in everyday life and industry, also can be used to improve the electric service panel. For example, if you install it in the board, which already has a voltage relay, but without indication.

Informative and user-friendly

The volt-ampere meter measures: voltage, current, power (active, reactive and full) and cos φ (allows to estimate the power factor in your power grid).

Allows you to set:

  • limits (for voltage and current), if exceeded, will be recorded in the nonvolatile Device Log;
  • delay of recording time in the Log when the current limit is exceeded;
  • brightness of digital screen in standby mode;
  • correction of voltage and current values on the screen.

Wide functionality and control with buttons provide usability of the volt-ampere meter!

Network deviation Log

The volt-ampere meter is equipped with non-volatile memory that stores 100 last deviations of parameters in the network. To view them, you should enter the Log by pressing the "+" button for a short time. A flashing indicator indicates a new log entry that has not been viewed.

Safe operation

The housing of nonflammable polycarbonate, reliable crimp terminals and strong power bus provide safe operation of the device.

Simple installation

ZUBR VA-1 red volt-ampere meter is very compact, it occupies 2 standard modules in the switchboard, it has a convenient standardized input-output connection. Installation of ZUBR VA-1 red is realized in the switchboard on a standard 35 mm wide DIN rail. If in the room there is a possibility of water entering to the device or increased humidity, then it is better to install it in the board with protection class ІR55 as per GOST 14254.

Technical properties of ZUBR VA-1 red

Product category:
Installation method:
on the DIN rail
Number of phases:
1 ph. 230 V
Thermal protection:
Main current limit:
0,1–63 А
Supply voltage:
100-420 V
Current consumption:
not more than 4,5 mA
Wire section:
not more than 16 мм²
0,144 kg ±10 %
Overall dimensions (W x H x D):
36 х 85 х 66 mm
IP rating according to GOST:
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